Doctrinal Works

In the Review and Herald of February 21, first page, is a statement to the effect that those who stand in the counsel of God will have wisdom to detect Satan's movements and avoid them. Brethren, the Lord has left us armed at every point against everything that Satan may do. Why, three distinct sources you see He has opened for our absolute knowledge of this thing--the Bible, the Testimonies, and the history of the papacy. There are three sources of knowledge upon this: there is the history, there is the Scripture, and there is the Spirit of Prophecy to explain both. Has not He left us fully armed, then?
Well, then let us make use of the documents and means that He has given us by which to be fully armed against these deceptions. That is what is wanted. It will require study, but what in the world is a preacher for if he is not to study? That is what I want to know. He has nothing else to do than to study, and nothing else to do than to work. Study and work, work and study all the time. {March 26, 1893 ATJ, GCDB 521.3}
The History of Protestantism (three volumes), J. A. Wylie, 1870
The Papacy, J. A. Wylie, 1888
Which Sovereign, Queen Victoria or the Pope? J. A. Wylie, circa. 1870
The History of the Reformation (five volumes), M. D’Aubigné, 1848
The Life and Words of Christ (two volumes), Geikie, 1885
History of the World (nine volumes), John Clark Ridpath 1899-1945
Matthew Henry’s Commentary (nine volumes), Matthew Henry, 1708
General History, P. V. N. Myers, 1889
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1885
History of the Ottoman Turks, E. S. Creasy, 1877
Romanism, A Menace To The Nation, Father Crowley, 1912
The Story of the Nations
• The Byzantine Empire, W. C. Oman, 1892
• Carthage, Alfred J. Church, 1886
• The Saracens, Arthur Gilman, 1886
• The Moors In Spain, Stanley Lane- Poole, 1888
• Turkey, Stanley Lane- Poole, 1888
The Marvel of Nations, Uriah Smith, 1886
Modern Spiritualism, Uriah Smith, 1893
The following books are a collection, though no way complete, of writings of a seventh day Adventist writers. The date back to the beginning of the Movement through to the death of the last pioneer historian, J N. Loughborough. Some additional traditional second generation Seventh day Adventist writers are also included in this collection.
After the mid 1930 far into our current time, traditional doctrinal writings have been neglected and cast aside as the church began to go to the systems of the world and leave the counsel of God behind. This list will see additions as we find more resources from the writing of our pioneers.