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Bro. K. Titus


I first met Anthony and Cheryl Burns about 10 years ago, while accompanying Brother K. to a Moses Mason Camp Meeting in North Carolina. Brothers K and Burns had studied together and edified each other on the subject of “present truth.” 

Before the camp meeting, we (Bro. & Sis. K and I) stayed at the Burns' humble abode for a couple of days. They were hospitable, gracious and their home was filled with the spirit of Christian love. They fed us bread from Earth and bread from Heaven.

At that time, I was a child in the faith drinking milk knowing nothing about spiritualism or the secret societies. Even though I was brought into the faith by reading Uriah Smith’s book “Daniel and the Revelation," I knew very little about the pioneers of our faith. During our stay, Bro. Burns began to enlighten me about the inner workings of the secret societies. Since then, my knowledge and understanding of the secret societies has exploded.

As a result of my relationship with the Burns’ and The Second Advent Messenger Ministries, my spiritual life has transitioned as a slow growing plant in the garden, then to having fully developed roots, and is now producing much good fruit! 

After TSAM Ministries began their series on “Spiritualism,” it didn't take long for me to see that the Burns were very grounded in the truth, and had dedicated their lives, wholeheartedly and unselfishly, to proclaiming the Three Angels messages and revealing the “man of sin” (along with “the Mark of the Beast," "the King of the North," "the Eastern Question," "the Seven Seals," "the Seven Trumpets," "the Seven Last Plagues," and most importantly "Righteousness by Faith" etc.). 

They understand that the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" tells us that we are to "prophesy again,” that we have been told by God, through the prophet Ellen G. White, that we are to resend the writings and resound the messages of the Seventh-day Adventists pioneers, for edifying, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. The ministry of TSAM, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, have helped me to grow from a child who was hungering and thirsting for truth, but drinking milk, to a man of God, eating meat of the truth.  

The message that started out with DVDs is now worldwide on "YouTube." TSAM is growing ever stronger and ever more powerful because of their obedience to, and their love for God and the church!!! I eagerly spread the message of glorifying God by overcoming sin, receiving the seal of the living God, receiving the outpouring of the latter rain, giving the loud cry, and calling people out of Babylon to the Holy City of New Jerusalem. 

The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, the writings of the pioneers, and TSAM Ministries ARE profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness!!!  


Doug Hurley, Director

Autumn Leaves, Rangiora, NZ


In the course of recent years, we have had a heartfelt and good association with Anthony Burns and his ministry.


His messages that we have heard have been heart-stirring, bringing very relevant messages to the listeners, to encourage them to action and review why they are Seventh-day Adventists. His tireless diligence into the Jones and Waggoner messages of 1888, has had the same results as Jones and Waggoner's  - Righteousness by Faith. While we have not worked personally in ministry together for some time, but we notice a work still continues from Anthony by the Second Advent Messenger e-mails coming through regularly to us. Continue to go forward Anthony, may the good work for your wife, yourself and for others continue. Not long now and we shall see our Saviour face to face - may we all remain faithful to that end!



Sue Healy, Federal

NSW, Australia


2013 was a busy year for me, so I was a reluctant attendant at a church presentation where Anthony Burns whom I had never heard of was one of the guest speakers.


As Anthony started to speak, I realized he was not just another speaker, but someone who had a deep love for not only the Lord, but as importantly the truth as it is from the Bible and Ellen White, and was not afraid to share it with seekers of truth.


Truth is not always convenient in our sin filled world and lives, and many like to hear pleasing sermons so as not to prick our conscience, and subsequently fool ourselves that we are following God, when in fact we are not.


Anthony was a breath of fresh air, and I approached him that evening to introduce myself, tell him never to stop preaching like he had just done. Subsequently, I invited Anthony and his wife Cheryl who is a big part of the Ministry in her own right with the Medical side, to come and speak at my local church fellowship where we have as our standard the Bible and the Spirit of Prophesy only. Following on from that meeting, I invited them to Kenya and Fiji where I was doing Medical Missionary work, they happily accepted and blessings were received by all.  Finally, I asked them to come back to Australia to help me start up a Medical Missionary project and again they happily agreed. This couple work tirelessly for the Lord without any meaningful, ongoing financial help. They are true missionaries.


The number of lives that have changed, and people whom have benefited from Anthony’s preaching of the truth will only be known when we get to heaven, but for now, I would like to endorse Anthony and Cheryl’s ministry as they go online so that by the grace of God, many, many more may be blessed by the truths taught, that we may all be prepared not according to man, but God’s instructions to soon be ready for the judgement and to finally meet up with Him in the air! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17  – Lets all make the promise of surrender today.



Fiwagoh Missionary

Near Nakuru, Kenya


We are very pleased with the outpouring of support for the Fiwagoh Missionary. The funds given have been a tremendous blessing for the children of this region.


Here are some of the postcards that we have received from this wonderful missionary ministry in Nakuru, Kenya.





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Eld. Dave & Sis. Renae West


Second Advent Messengers Ministry is a testimony that the Holy Spirit is still at work.  As Jesus called to His disciples to stop what they're doing and follow Him, so did the Holy Spirit in September of 2004 called Br. and Sr. Burns to stop and follow.

Their desire for biblical truth has caused them to enter many hours (daily) of study and research, and the Lord has rewarded their efforts immensely.  The Gospel as well as the Health Message has been shared from New York to Australia and many cities and countries in between. They truly have been an inspiration to me, my immediate family, as well as my church family.

The wealth of knowledge and understanding the Lord has given them over the years is apparent in the life they live. A life that is in preparation for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.



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The Second Advent Messenger Ministries (TSAM)


How to reach us...

Via USPS: Anthony or Cheryl Burns

                 P. O. Box 6

                 Lobelville, TN 37097


Via email:

Via landline: 931-593-3655

Via mobile: 708-228-6122

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