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Country Living 101

Your DIY guide to make country living work.

Fathers and mothers who possess a piece of land and a comfortable home are kings and queens. - Special Testimonies on Education, pg. 104

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Finding land with a good source of water is essential.  Whether it is spring, creek, rain or well, without your own water supply you and your loved ones will be at the mercy of the Beast. 

 If land does not have water, do not try to rationalize how you can make it work. Unless you are prepared to spend a tremendous amount of money on finding, developing, and maintaining a substandard well, move on to the next property on your list.


If the land does have water, how do you plan to extract the water? Will you select a hand pump or an electric pump? Will you be using solar? Do you know the difference?


Once extracted, how do you plan to filter and purify the water to use for drinking, cooking, bathing, and general cleaning purposes? Bottled water is nice, but eventually you will not be able to buy it.


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Soil Quality

A soil test is extremely important to determine what amendments you may have to add to make your soil appropriate for growing your food.  Food is essential and growing your own can not be overemphasized.  If soil has a lot of rocks, consider how long it will take you to have rocks enough of them removed from the area that you intend to plant in to make it worth your while.  While using hay can improve you soil and compensate for the rocks, that can take 2-3 years to happen, and you will need quite a bit of hay. If you purchase a piece of land that is rocky, you will have to purchase hay that takes approximately a year to decompose.  This will help your soil texture, color, and build up to reduce the impact of rocks in your soil, but, since time is not on our side, consider your options and look at another property. Also, planting trees is essential as well, most fruit trees take ~2-3 years to produce fruit. If your land does not already have trees, plant them as soon as you make a purchase. Poor soil will also impact the time frame for tree growth.

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Look to see how approximately many trees are on the property.  Trees will be your source of fuel for heating and also cooking.  You will need to have hardwoods (Oak, Hickory, Elm, Beech, and Ash) to insure that you can properly keep your family warm during late fall and the winter months. 


Trees are a crop in and of themselves.  Just as you plan your garden from year to year, having a plan for how you will harvest your trees is important as well. Most hardwoods take 1-3 years to reach the optimum 15% humidity ratio.  This means that in order for a tree to produce the maximum BTUs, it must have the lowest possible moisture content.  Too much moisture and most of your fire will be spent heating wet or moist wood.


Proper storage of wood is parampount to your surviving a cold winter.

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Having a good size acreage is important because you will need to be a good distance from your nearest neighbor. Having a Christian neighbor is most desirable, but not always attainable. During the initiation of Sunday Laws in 1892, many Seventh day Adventsit were spied upon by Sunday keepers, who reported them to the magistrates. 


The bottom line is that more acreage gives you more options. Make sense? 

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Is there hunting in the area where you are planning to purchase your homestead.  While this is not the end of the world, it is something to keep in mind as hunters tend to be sportsmen and they may not appreciate a plant based eating family on or near land that they consider good for hunting game.


Remember, they've been hunting this land for generations. You're just the newcomer on the block.

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Who are your potential neighbors?  Are they people that you know?  Will they be comfortable with having you as their neighbor.


Can you work with them? Will they work with you? Simply put, will they hinder or help you execute your plans for the future?


This is a very important decision. Remember, you didn't move to the country to lose your peace of mind.

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Construction 101

Having a good size acreage is important because you will need to be a good distance from your nearest neighbor. Having a Christian neighbor is most desirable, but not always attainable. During the initiation of Sunday Laws in 1892, many Seventh Day Advents were spied upon by Sunday keepers, who reported them to the magistrates. 


The bottom line is that more acreage gives you more options. Make sense? 

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How to Power Your Home

Eventually you will have to consider producing your own source of power.  Computers, water pumps, lights, wash machines, fans, etc. will require some power source.


While a large Solar System may not be necessary, some self-supportive plan for producing electricity must be considered. Gas and other fossil fuels will sooner or later be regulated away from those who do not pay homage to the beast. 


A small Solar System to start with is better than totally depending on the electric company.  

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Fire Safety

How far is your land from the nearest main road and a fire department?


Do you understand the dangers of not having a fire safety plan?  


In Summary


  • These are just a few of the items that each person must consider as they pray for the Lord to show them their country property. 

  • Time is of the essence and now is not the time for any of us to be looking to build that final palace or dream home that we once envisioned when we were at the beginning of our careers or when we anticipated how retirement would be.  Homesteading is not retirement.  It will be work, farm work, homework and most importantly character work.  Purpose in your heart that this is what you want to do and submit to God and watch Him work miracles through you.

  • You will find many quotes in the Spirit of Prophecy on what to do to prepare for this phase of your journey.  You may want begin with Country Living. 


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